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12th October, 2022

Updated: 14th October, 2022

    In our experience, thinking about how the UI should look at any given moment rather than how to change it over time eliminates a whole class of bugs.

    Take the example of creating a custom button. In the past, you would create a CSS class (perhaps .primary-button) with your custom styles and then use it whenever you want to apply those styles. For example:

    <button class="primary-button">Click me</button>

    In the world of components, you instead create a PrimaryButton component with your button styles and use it throughout your site like:

    <PrimaryButton>Click me</PrimaryButton>

    Components become the base building blocks of your site. Instead of being limited to the building blocks the browser provides, e.g. <button />, you can easily create new building blocks that elegantly meet the needs of your projects.

    es6 modules are this format

    import React from 'react';
    import { Component } from 'react';
    • every component in react is its own class
    • best practice capital letter on class name
    • never touch the dom - only once when mounting the app to the page
    • <React.Fragment> tag allows things to not be 'contained'
    • jsx {} means iim writing in js
    • componentised css / inline css - import css directly into component file
    • golden rule - dont touch the Dom


    How the data gets to where it needs to go like a bus/car

    passing anything other than string use {}



    Where date lives - its home

    an object that lives inside a component that stores all data that that component and its children needs

    an object that holds data that itself needs as well as children may need

    state = single source of truth

    think about updating data not dom elements

    copy existing state

    const fishes = {...this.state.fishes}

    Stateless functional components

    A render function that gets given information but doesn't do anything else

    if component only has render method convert to stateless functional

    implicit return - removing the {return()} from the stateless functional component

    const Header = (props) => (
    export default Header;

    also its props. not this.

    React router

    (or next.js)

    Export vs export default

    import React from 'react';
    export default function blh() {}

    named export

    import { React, React2 } from 'react';
    export function React() {}
    export function React2() {}


    defaultValue="defaulttext" defaultValue={func()}


    Getting input from a form

    myInput = React.createRef();

    <input ref={this.myInput}/>

    this in components

    video 11

    this is present in the default methods eg componentdidmount() render() etc but not your own ones they're not bound by default

    class StorePicker extends React.component {
      constructor() {
        this.goToStore = this.goToStore.bind(this);
      goToStore(event) {
        console.log(this) // works


    goToStore = (event) => {
          console.log(this) // works


    events are inline

    handleClick() {alert('heyy')}

    <button onClick={this.handleClick}>text</button


    {Object.keys(this.state.fishes).map(key => key => <p key={key} details={this.state.fishes[key]}>{key}</p>)}

    Lifecycle methods

    Computed property names

    const updatedFish {, // take a copy of current fish
      []: event.currentTarget.value // update the value for that name


    import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
    class addFishForm extends React.component {
      nameRef = React.createRef();
    static propTypes = {
      addFish: PropTypes.func

    using static means values wont be copied over to every instance of a component - they live with the 'mama' component - useful for setting property type requirements

    await async

    if we want to ut the store into the variable

    const store = base.fetch() returns a promise

    if we want to put the store (result) into the variable not the promise

    const store = await base.fetch()


    Created on: 12th October, 2022

    Last updated: 14th October, 2022

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