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12th October, 2022

Updated: 12th October, 2022

    Why aren't function names always sensible?

    Sometimes the JS specification will dictate some new or refined behavior, and yet that won't exactly match with how it works in browser-based JS engines. Such a mismatch is historical: JS engines have had 20+ years of observable behaviors around corner cases of features that have come to be relied on by web content. As such, sometimes the JS engines will refuse to conform to a specification-dictated change because it would break that web content.

    In these cases, often TC39 will backtrack and simply choose to conform the specification to the reality of the web. For example, TC39 planned to add a contains(..) method for Arrays, but it was found that this name conflicted with old JS frameworks still in use on some sites, so they changed the name to a non-conflicting includes(..). The same happened with a comedic/tragic JS /community crisis/ dubbed "smooshgate," where the planned flatten(..) method was eventually renamed flat(..).

    But occasionally, TC39 will decide the specification should stick firm on some point even though it is unlikely that browser-based JS engines will ever conform.

    The solution? Appendix B, "Additional ECMAScript Features for Web Browsers".specApB The JS specification includes this appendix to detail out any known mismatches between the official JS specification and the reality of JS on the web. In other words, these are exceptions that are allowed /only/ for web JS; other JS environments must stick to the letter of the law.

    Section B.1 and B.2 cover /additions/ to JS (syntax and APIs) that web JS includes, again for historical reasons, but which TC39 does not plan to formally specify in the core of JS. Examples include 0-prefixed octal literals, the global escape(..) / unescape(..) utilities, String "helpers" like anchor(..) and blink(), and the RegExp compile(..) method.

    Section B.3 includes some conflicts where code may run in both web and non-web JS engines, but where the behavior /could/ be observably different, resulting in different outcomes. Most of the listed changes involve situations that are labeled as early errors when code is running in strict mode.

    Appendix B /gotchas/ aren't encountered very often, but it's still a good idea to avoid these constructs to be future safe. Wherever possible, adhere to the JS specification and don't rely on behavior that's only applicable in certain JS engine environments.

    You Don't Know JS Yet: Get Started - 2nd Edition

    Chapter 1: What Is JavaScript?

    Why use latest code?

    You may wonder: why go to the trouble of using a tool to convert from a newer syntax version to an older one? Couldn't we just write the two variables and skip using the let keyword? The reason is, it's strongly recommended that developers use the latest version of JS so that their code is clean and communicates its ideas most effectively.

    Developers should focus on writing the clean, new syntax forms, and let the tools take care of producing a forwards-compatible version of that code that is suitable to deploy and run on the oldest-supported JS engine environments.


    For new and incompatible syntax, the solution is transpiling. Transpiling is a contrived and community-invented term to describe using a tool to convert the source code of a program from one form to another (but still as textual source code). Typically, forwards-compatibility problems related to syntax are solved by using a transpiler (the most common one being Babel ( to convert from that newer JS syntax version to an equivalent older syntax.


    The term "paradigm" in programming language context refers to a broad (almost universal) mindset and approach to structuring code. Within a paradigm, there are myriad variations of style and form that distinguish programs, including countless different libraries and frameworks that leave their unique signature on any given code.

    But no matter what a program's individual style may be, the big picture divisions around paradigms are almost always evident at first glance of any program.

    Typical paradigm-level code categories include procedural, object-oriented (OO/classes), and functional (FP):

    • Procedural style organizes code in a top-down, linear progression through a pre-determined set of operations, usually collected together in related units called procedures.

    • OO style organizes code by collecting logic and data together into units called classes.

    • FP style organizes code into functions (pure computations as opposed to procedures), and the adaptations of those functions as values.

    Paradigms are neither right nor wrong. They're orientations that guide and mold how programmers approach problems and solutions, how they structure and maintain their code.

    Some languages are heavily slanted toward one paradigm—C is procedural, Java/C++ are almost entirely class oriented, and Haskell is FP through and through.

    But many languages also support code patterns that can come from, and even mix and match from, different paradigms. So called "multi-paradigm languages" offer ultimate flexibility. In some cases, a single program can even have two or more expressions of these paradigms sitting side by side.

    JavaScript is most definitely a multi-paradigm language. You can write procedural, class-oriented, or FP-style code, and you can make those decisions on a line-by-line basis instead of being forced into an all-or-nothing choice.

    Backwards compatibility

    Backwards compatibility means that once something is accepted as valid JS, there will not be a future change to the language that causes that code to become invalid JS. Code written in 1995—however primitive or limited it may have been!—should still work today. As TC39 members often proclaim, "we don't break the web!"

    The idea is that JS developers can write code with confidence that their code won't stop working unpredictably because a browser update is released. This makes the decision to choose JS for a program a more wise and safe investment, for years into the future.

    That "guarantee" is no small thing. Maintaining backwards compatibility, stretched out across almost 25 years of the language's history, creates an enormous burden and a whole slew of unique challenges. You'd be hard pressed to find many other examples in computing of such a commitment to backwards compatibility.

    Forwards compatibility

    Compare backwards compatibility to its counterpart, forwards compatibility. Being forwards-compatible means that including a new addition to the language in a program would not cause that program to break if it were run in an older JS engine. JS is not forwards-compatible, despite many wishing such, and even incorrectly believing the myth that it is.


    Created on: 12th October, 2022

    Last updated: 12th October, 2022

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