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28th October, 2022

Updated: 28th October, 2022

           The structure of the page, generic widths, heights, padding, margins and floats and other useful functions live here.
           This file should make make developing custom templates much, much quicker.
           @author: Hannah
           @created: 02/05/12
           @notes: A combination of all the items on this page will accomodate a large variety of template styles.
    /* For this to work the element you're applying it too must have a width s*/
    .alignHorizontal { margin: 0px auto;}
    /* Use as alternative to line-height if you want text to be vertically aligned in a div that doesn't have a fixed height */
    .alignVertical {display: table-cell ; vertical-align : middle;}
    /* Clear floats */
    .clear {clear: both ;}
    .cLeft {clear: left ;}
    .cRight {clear: right ;}
    /* floats */
    .fleft {float: left ;}
    .fright {float: right ;}
    /* Aligning Text */
    .tLeft {text-align: left ;}
    .tRight {text-align: right ;}
    .tCenter {text-align: center ;}
    .tJustify {text-align: justify ;}
    /* Display elements */
    .dBlock {display: block ;}
    .dInline {display: inline ;}
    .dInlineBlock {display: inline-block ;}
    .hideText { /* Less browser intensive hack for hiding text. Doesn't render a -9999px page */
            text-indent: 100%;
            white-space: nowrap;
            overflow: hidden;
    .reset {
            border: 0px;
            padding: 0px;
            margin: 0px;
    .pR10 {padding-right: 10px;}
    /* Widths In percentages, for elastic layouts */
    .w10p { width : 10%; }
    .w15p { width : 15%; }
    .w20p { width : 20%; }
    .w25p { width : 25%; }
    .w30p { width : 30%; }
    .w35p { width : 35%; }
    .w40p { width : 40%; }
    .w45p { width : 45%; }
    .w49p { width : 49%; }
    .w50p { width : 50%; }
    .w55p { width : 55%; }
    .w60p { width : 60%; }
    .w65p { width : 65%; }
    .w70p { width : 70%; }
    .w75p { width : 75%; }
    .w80p { width : 80%; }
    .w85p { width : 85%; }
    .w90p { width : 90%; }
    .w95p { width : 95%; }
    .w100p { width : 100%; }
    /* Heights In percentages, for elastic layouts */
    .h10p { height : 10%; }
    .h15p { height : 15%; }
    .h20p { height : 20%; }
    .h25p { height : 25%; }
    .h30p { height : 30%; }
    .h35p { height : 35%; }
    .h40p { height : 40%; }
    .h45p { height : 45%; }
    .h50p { height : 50%; }
    .h55p { height : 55%; }
    .h60p { height : 60%; }
    .h65p { height : 65%; }
    .h70p { height : 70%; }
    .h75p { height : 75%; }
    .h80p { height : 80%; }
    .h85p { height : 85%; }
    .h90p { height : 90%; }
    .h95p { height : 95%; }
    .h100p { height : 100%; }
    .info, .success, .warning , .error, .validation {
            background-position: 10px center ;
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            border: 1px solid;
            margin: 10px 0px;
            padding: 15px 10px 15px 50px;
    .info {
            background-color: #DFF3FC;
            background-image: url('../images/information.png');
            color: #00529B;
    .info a, .success a, .warning a, .error a {
            color: #000; /*text-decoration: underline;*/
    .success {
            background-color: #DFF2BF;
            background-image: url('../images/success.png');
            color: #4F8A10;
    .warning {
            background-color: #FDF7DC;
            background-image: url('../images/warning.png');
            color: #9F6000;
    .error {
            background-color: #FFBABA;
            background-image: url('../images/error.png');
            color: #D8000C;
    .test { border : 10px solid red;}


    Created on: 28th October, 2022

    Last updated: 28th October, 2022

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