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Ctenanthe Burle Marxii (Fishbone prayer plant)

28th October, 2022

Updated: 13th September, 2022

    Ctenanthe Burle Marxii (Fishbone prayer plant)

    The most prolific of the prayer plants, Ctenanthe Burle Marxii is a bushy baby plant with potential to grow over a meter as a houseplant. Once established these plants will flower in small single flowers which makes for a great chance at cross pollinating between Marantas. Grab your self a Set of Prayer Plants and watch them bust out their best Ninja Turtles moves in pursuit of the sun.

    Care: Prayer Plants like moist soil. They are relatively shallow rooted plants so keep them in a wide pot to allow their roots to grow comfortably when repotting. Keep them at room temperature (19c) and at 50% or more humidity. Propagate by separating them.


    A Fishbone Prayer Plant will do best in medium to bright indirect light. Never allow this plant to stand in the direct sunlight–the leaves will fade and become scorched. If there is too little light, the new leaves will appear solid green.


    For best results, keep your Fishbone Prayer Plant moist, but not wet or saturated. When watering, use lukewarm water they do not like to dry out and do not like cold or hard water.


    Like many tropical indoor plants, your Fishbone Prayer Plant prefers a spot with ample humidity. If leaf edges begin to curl or brown up, mist them with lukewarm water on a regular basis, or use a pebble tray. The Fishbone Prayer Plant will thrive if given frequent, lukewarm showers either in the actual shower or from the spray attachment near your sink. Your bathroom or kitchen are perfect spots for this plant because these areas tend to be more humid.


    Your Fishbone Prayer Plant enjoys the warmth–preferably between 65-85 degrees, so maintain indoor temperatures above 60 degrees. Avoid cold drafts and sudden temperature changes.


    Fertilize monthly in the spring and summer, diluting the plant food at 1/2 the recommended strength. Never feed a Fishbone immediately after repotting, wait at least 4 weeks.


    Fishbone Prayer Plants are non-toxic and are safe for humans, cats, and dogs.


    If you notice a tip or edge burn, often with a yellowish hue at the edge, it could be due to your tap water. To solve this, allow your tap water to stand overnight before watering so the chlorine and fluoride can evaporate. Alternative water choices are distilled or rainwater. Remove any yellow leaves to keep your plant strong and growing. If only a portion of the leaf is brown or yellow, go ahead and carefully trim off that portion of the leaf with a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. Do not use any shine products on the leaves, instead, clean leaves occasionally with a damp cloth.


    Created on: 28th October, 2022

    Last updated: 13th September, 2022

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